How to set up a Business Website
Today’s Business Scenairios
Since today is the era is of online shopping, also people preffer surfing Internet to browse for any kind of services or products for their requisites instead of going street to street and market to market to find a company’s office or shop. Internet gives them ability and facility to compare multiple companies for their features and prices by sitting at home.
Why Do we need a website for business?
In the same way, a company without a website is always limited to certain community may be merely the specific street or the the town at maximum. However, a company or shop with an online portal, would be getting possibilities to spread their business on wider span of communities, to multiple towns, cross cities, and even to cross countries. You really never know where is your order coming from in the next minute. Also, a website can showcase your products better than you do tangibly in a limited space, a virtual store provides interfaces to switch through for multiple products and even their 3D views.
There are many ways to have your online business entities but the most powerful and authentic way is to have own private website. For example, blogger, wordpress and many other companies and social media platforms give you facility to setup your business with them at free but that is always on the risk. Most prominently I would quote the example of blogger free website which a blogger deletes anytime you go against their terms delibrately or indelebrately. You will simply loose all your business, money and the efforts go wasted that you put to promote it on. So that’s why a private and self owned business website is always trustworthy and authentic.
How to get the business online?
Now there are certain steps that you need to follow to make your business online with website.
- Registering for a Domain
- Purchasing a Hosting
- Building Website
1. How to Register a Domain, What is a domain indeed?
A domain is a URL (Universal Resource Locator), it is similar to your house number which is unique and can be tracked easily. However, the difference between your address and the URL is that your house number, street number and even town name could duplilcate in any other country of the world but your URL remains unique for the entire globe. It is known as website address commonly and a URL as technically.
Now the trun comes how to register a domain. First of all you decide a domain name that suits your business, prefer a domain that reflects your business nature for examaple if you are running a clothing business, try selecting domain name that contains word clothing or fabric etc. Then you can simply go to any hosting website or browse to internet to find domain registering companies. I shall suggest conatacting any national IT company which you can access easily in case of issues or problems after you have purchased their services. You can also write us for the same and we shall do everything for you and on behalf of you.
2. Purchasing Cheap and the Featured Hosting, What is a Hosting indeed?
Hosting is actually a space where your website content reside. it is similar to a plot for your house in real life, without hosting space you cannot build your private website. Now how you can find cheap and best web hosting company, and compare their hosting features. It is always necessary to first find at least top 10 hosting companies of the word or the country and compare their features including bandwidth, storage space, email addresses, security, technical support and pricing as well. We can suggest that gives you top 10 hosting list for the country or continent or for the entire world.
3. Building Website for your Business
The last but not the least step if to create or build a webite for your business. It is similar to a house that you build on your plot. Since we already dicussed a Domain URL is the address, a Hosting is the plot where you can build your house and finally a house itself that must be featured and liveable in luxury. So, the luxury living for your business is a great website with multipel interfaces and features to showcase your product or services. The most common features are listed below for your assistace:
(a) Mupltiple Pages that contain your content or information
(b) Contact Form so people can contact you for enquiries
(c) A Slider that can display featured content or information
(d) E-Commerce module if you are processing online payments
(e) A blog portion to route your news and offers
(f) Categories Interface to manage your product or services
There are still many addon features that can enhance your website functionality and browseability but the most common are discussed already that can run your website in good features mode. We suggest to hire a company that can build your website professionally and we recommend ClickTech Solutions which is one of the old companies and working since 2008, the worldwide.
Next step is How to promote your website and this will be discussed in our next posts for your assistance.