Cheap Web Hosting Should Include?

There always been a trend to get some cheap hosting provider for the hosting of one’s website but it is not usually correct that the cheap hosting will provide enough features a website generally acquire. Cheap hosting from well renowned hosting providers may be of higher consideration because, they generally minimize profit on individual sales but since they are getting higher volume of sales, they meet their expected ROI.

Web hosting that comply all the basic requisites of a website’s better performance over the Internet, is of course appreciated. The features must include enough bandwidth to accommodate at least the desired number of website visitors. The hosting storage is another aspect of a good feature, if it is unlimited like of bandwidth then well and good otherwise it should at least accommodate adequate data records.

Here is a list of few items a web hosting should include:

  • Bandwidth
  • Disk Storage
  • Databases
  • Domain Name
  • Addon Domains
  • Sub Domains
  • Email addresses
  • Fantastico/Softaculous
  • WordPress Support
  • Joomla Support
  • Drupal Support
  • SMF/PhPBB Support


For Detailed overview of hosting features and the hosting providers comparison is given on the link below:

Read Detailed List of Features for a Good Web Hosting

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This entry was posted on May 10, 2011 and is filed under Cheap Hosting, Hosting Tips. Written by: . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.